JV and white tiger

JV and white tiger
JV tries to film Shine

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Tiger Canyons: Tiger Diaries 27 July 2014

Tiger Canyons Is having the coldest winter in living memory. Watch how Ussuri & her cubs handle the ice when their favourite waterhole is frozen


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tiger Canyons: Tiger Diaries - 3 July 2014

Hundreds of years ago in Asia, the tiger would have pirated kills from the cheetah. Sadly today the cheetah is gone and the tiger numbers greatly diminished.
At Tiger Canyons in South Africa, we got a glimpse into that relat...ionship when cheetah Runde came to investigate tiger Kumba and tigress Aurora. Although totally unaware of the danger form the tigers, Runde fortunately turned tail and fled, easily outrunning the tiger.

Pictures by Richard Sheehan

Monday, June 30, 2014

John Varty Concert under the Moon

Conservation Songs - John Varty



Tiger Canyons: Tiger Diaries 1 July 2014

We have had our first interaction between Tigers & Cheetah at Tiger Canyons. Fortunately cheetah Runde outran tigers Kumba and Aurora.