JV and white tiger

JV and white tiger
JV tries to film Shine

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Corbett's Freedom

Corbett confined in small boma

Hello Friends 

After receiving so many angry, caring and passionate emails, messages on our blog, twitter and facebook, I now feel positive about the future of the Tiger Corbett. 

I made people "physically ill". I've been compared to Mugabe and to the Hitler. I've been offered a choice between death and castration.  Can I come back to you on that one!

On the positive side, I received potential homes for Corbett in Colorado, the Sunderbans, Siberia, Sariska, in South Africa and in China where he can "hunt Chinese tiger poachers".

Many of you thought he needs a mate and sex, others thought castration will get rid of his aggression. 

tigers mating

Others told me that I must not "dilute the gene-pool". Jules Brenner sent me an article (American Scientist) about the aggressive gene. This was valuable input and I thank you.

Cam Steele believes this world is for "every animal, not just for humans". Gary Thomas told me that I "lived to tell the tale, let Corbett live to share the tale". 

The main thing is that hundreds of people participated in the debate and hopefully a good decision was made.

It is amazing that with technology, we can talk to each other across the world. All of us concerned for this planet have communication tools to change, to save, to adapt. 

The human population is now 7 billion people and we are pushing many species, including the tiger to the brink of extinction. 

I'm doing well in hospital and walked 800 steps without help today. Hopefully I will be back at Tigers next week and can continue with rehab at home.  

During all this time, I have of course gone through my own evolution and this is what I have decided to do:

I will create a 300 Ha area for Corbett. On the ground, the fence will be heightened and strengthened. Where there may be danger, double gates will be installed.

Animal communicators will be invited to communicate with Corbett in his boma and then when he is set free to see how he feels. 

If you would like to contribute to Corbett's boma, you can do this through the Savannah Fund (see below).

In addition, I will shortly hold an auction in Johannesburg to raise some of the R3 million that I need (details will follow). 

One of the things we will auction, is a life size bronze statue of Corbett. As I write this well known artists John Bassi is working out the logistics of how to create this magnificent bronze which will weigh 300 kilograms.

At the auction 15 of the best photos by Daryl and Sharna Balfour, Lorna Drew and Yvette van Bommel will be auctioned off.

Safaris from well known lodges will be auctioned, two big cat safaris will go under the hammer.

For any collectors, replicate jackets of the one JV wore which gave him protection against Corbett's teeth, will be auctioned. 

My new book "Hand Brake Safari - A Journey with Tigers" will be launched. Written with humour, it tells of the last 12 years of tiger conservation. The blood, the sweat, the tears, the joy, the sadness and of cause the attack.

At the auction there will also be a thank you ceremony for Julie Brown, Julie Ann Reid and Phumlani Nchunu whose incredible bravery saved my life. 

If anyone has anything of value, a painting, an art piece, a herd of blesbuck, a sable bull antelope, anything that has value that can be auctioned, please contact Sunette (info@jvbigcats.co.za)

We will let you know the final details of the auction, however, the first of June at 6pm in Johannesburg has been targeted.

When the new boma is completed and fully stocked with prey, Corbett will be darted, weighed, measured and then he will be transported to his new area. One or two mature tigresses will join him. The area will be stocked with kudu, warthog, mountain reedbuck, blue wildebeest, impala, blesbuck and springbuck. 

In the meantime, I need to get back to full fitness. Thank you again for thousands of messages from across the world. In my darkest hour, I could feel the positive energy.

Thank you to the staff, the sisters and the doctors that treated me at MediClinic in Bloemfontein. I am extremely grateful.

The threat by lethal injection of Corbett is gone and the freedom route will be followed. You have the satisfaction of having influenced my decision and I thank you for it.

Tread lightly on the earth

Savannah Fund:

A/C 62094732693
IBAN: 230932 62094732693


Tiger Canyons said...


Good to see you are recovering and so happy to see the decision on Corbett. Wish you all the best in whatever you do – you and your tigers are very very important, take good care of yourself JV and your tigers too


Tiger Canyons said...

There is no doubt, he has provided the answer, he is a wild cat that comes from India and should return there, hopefully to a reserve that can cater for his needs rather than one that caters for human needs.

Tiger Canyons said...

Dear JV,

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have read your last e-mail! I focused my energies on your healing and Corbett's freedom. Oh God, I am so happy! You are the man!

I will contact Sunette re: donations for the auction. Keep getting better and congratulations on your walk.


Tiger Canyons said...

Thank you being a human and not letting this magnificent species lose one more. I can contribute to the funds by being a volunteer at Londolozi so let me know how

Regards and wishing a speedy recovery


Tiger Canyons said...

All I can say is what a bloody relief (excuse the language, but strong language is needed sometimes!) – finally sanity has prevailed! Thank you JV for finally seeing the light.

I don’t need to tell you this but I am sure that as soon as your head is cleared of all the pain killing drugs you were pumped with, you will realise that the right decision was made.

Thank you to fellow tiger supporters out there for succeeding in procuring Corbett’s safety. What a beautiful animal he is. His uniqueness cannot be denied.

Long may he live and hopefully we will see lots of little Corbetts roaming the plains soon! Please keep us posted.

Kind regards,

Tiger Supporter

Birmingham UK

Tiger Canyons said...

Hi John
You have made the correct decision for Corbett, thank you..

I wish you a speedy recovery and return home to Tiger area...

Phil Davis

Tiger Canyons said...

Glad to hear your getting better and getting up and around better......

Scary how fast something like that can happen.

Thank you for your decision to help Corbett live a somewhat normal life at least for a tiger in protected enclosure.

Hey, do you have a “Donation” link for PayPal etc. somewhere?

I would like to help and donate to Corbett’s boma.

Donating by PayPal etc would be a easy way to raise funds quickly.

Thanks again and God Speed on your recovery !

PS. I knew you would do the right thing with Corbett !


Tiger Canyons said...

I have trained many hundreds of tigers over 30 years time for both the film and tv biz and for wildlife shows.Castration will only slow his aggression over a long period of time 25% to 50%, he will always be a dangerous guy especially to John and anyone who looks or acts like him.
He has had a taste and will not forget u. U need more on hand safety equipment. We manage 67 tigers in daily contact at or shows.


Dr. Bhagavan Antle

Tiger Canyons said...


What wonderful news – thank goodness for the internet!! Your constant fight for the survival of the tiger is so inspirational. It is so good to hear you are walking – it must be such a relief with many days of frustration behind you as you were confined to your hospital bed.

Thinking of you and hoping that your healing process continues and that you are strong and fit very soon – the world needs you!!

Lots of love

Stoff, Debs, Megs and Rors xx

Tiger Canyons said...

John, your a legend. Thank you for all you do.

Howard Butcher
Peace of Eden

Tiger Canyons said...

Relieved to hear of Corbett's reprieve

Jim Corbett will be smiling in his grave

Tiger Canyons said...


Thank you for this wonderful news regarding Corbett.

I am sure the many messages you got is testimony to how dear people hold your tigers.

Take care,

Denis Aspden

Tigers forever.

Anonymous said...

God bless you!

I have so much respect for you now. Thank you very much.

Tiger Canyons said...

Hi JV,

So glad to hear you are doing so well.

Thank you for taking the 'freedom' route for Corbett!! Now I can sleep again at night! ;-)

I hope you get the funds to do what you need to do for Corbett. This is what you are all about. Not the easy route out when a problem arises, but the right way out. At the end these animals are still true to their nature, aggressive or passive - they also have different temperaments and I am so happy to hear you are able to make the decission to give Corbett what he needs. The majestic of a species will always stand out - because they're different, they're special.

Thanks again for your decision and I wish you a speedy recovery and the best of luck with Corbett's new 'home'.

Kind regards,
Regina Smit

Tiger Canyons said...

Hi John

Thinking of you and sending you lots of strength and energy J

We would definitely love to attend the auction ...

Take care


Melly & Bruce

Tiger Canyons said...

Thank you for making the RIGHT decision. I admired you for as long as I can remember and lost all respect for you when you announced that he will be killed just because he is a Tiger and do what tigers do.

I read your latest on saving Corbett and I could not help but cry my eyes out to the fact that after all “YOU ARE A GOOD HUMAN BEING”!!!! I do admire you and respect the fact that you are doing right by Corbett.

This decision will be blessed not by one of the gods but by GOD Himself. Everything will go well and you will get all the money you need in this venture.

Go forth John Varty ….!!!

Kindest Regards


Tiger Canyons said...

This is wonderful news - we knew in our hearts you would make the right decision. We will follow with great
interest Corbett's path, & of course, your path to recovery.

Our thoughts are with you.

Liz & John Cardinelli

Tiger Canyons said...

Dear JV

You have made my day! This is the best news! I am so happy that Corbett won’t be put down! What a magnificent creature – it made me cry to think that he would be gone from this earth... My mum and sister are also so glad – we love all cats and are just in awe of big cats. Thank you for doing what you do.

Get better quickly.

Kind regards


Tiger Canyons said...

I am so happy to see that the correct decision was made for Corbett.

And ecstatic to hear that JV is on the road to full recovery, to complete the work he was put on this planet to do.

Walk lightly and always take care.

Your forever fan

Thelma Carpenter

Tiger Canyons said...

JV, I am so pleased you listened to all the advice and decided to save Corbett, and I am equally happy you are on the mend. You are a great bloke JV and you are still to fully realise just how happy you have made thousands of people, and a bunch of tigers.

Best wishes and love to Julie.

Peter, Sydney.

Tiger Canyons said...

I can't tell you how happy I am to read this. It really broke my heart and my faith to think that Corbett would die because of a situation humans put him in, and because a human got hurt in the process. I have always believed that you would not be the type to kill and animal because it attacked you because you recognise the risks of what you do and the nature of wild animals. Thank you for not shattering that belief.

I hope you are recovering well!

Kind regards,


Tiger Canyons said...

Well done for the courageous decision you have taken!

And best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Kind regards


Tiger Canyons said...

Thank you guyz sooo soooo much....
May God bless your project for ever

Kind regards

Bussiness Brothers for Big Cat Breeding

Tiger Canyons said...

Hi John

Dit is een van jou afrikaanse vriende hier wat jy al baie jare ken: Hugo van Niekerk - 1974 tot 1998 - Hoofvlieënier en helikoptervlieënier in die Krugerwildtuin, jou bure van daardie jare.

John, ek volg jou doen en late al geruime tyd, en ek moet jou sê dat ek baie empatie en deernis het vir die groot taak wat jy jouself opgelê het. Gelukkig het jy baie vriende te oordeel aan die briewe wat daar te lese is. Daar sal altyd mense wees wat nie saamstem met wat jy besig is om te doen nie, maar so is daar mos maar altyd iemand wat anders dink oor dinge. Hou aan met wat jy doen. Jy doen 'n baie goeie werk daarvan.

Wat die ongeluk aanbetref: Eerstens is ek baie jammer dat dit met jou moes gebeur, maar ek is ook bly dat jy besig is om vinnig ( Stadig?) aan te sterk. Solank die ongeluk jou slimmer en sterker gemaak het, is dit eintlik die moeite werd; as ek dit so mag stel.

Jy weet, in my werk wat ek gehad het, het ek ook met gevaarlike diere gewerk -HELIKOPTERS. Ja, hulle is baie soos die groot katte: Onvoorspelbaar en dodelik die oomblik as jy mak raak vir hulle. Ek het 'n paar vriende verloor deur die jare wat deur hierdie gevaarlike diere aangeval is, en sonder uitsondering was dit altyd hulle eie skuld. Net soos jy ruiterlik erken dat dit jou skuld was dat Corbett jou in die hande - kloue - gekry het. Die groot ding is John, jy lewe om die storie te vertel, en ons is baie bly dat jy weer sal opstaan en aangaan. Ek is ook bly dat jy besluit het om die kat te laat lewe. Een van die ouens het geskryf dat dit goed is dat daardie aggressiewe geen behou bly. Dit sal die nageslag sterker maak. Wees net versigtig !

Van al jou Afrikaanse vriende wat gelukkig Engels ook kan lees, wens ons jou alle beterskap toe, en sukses met jou taak wat jy daar gestel het vir jouself. Hou so aan.

We don't want you to have to start writing all your stories in Afrikaans now. This letter is in Afrikaans, just to tell you that there are a few of them around that are on your side.

Groete en sukses,

Hugo v. Niekerk.

Tiger Canyons said...

Hi John
I am glad that you are on the mend. The tigers and other endangered species - including humans, actually - need you. I agree with you about how we are pushing species to extinction through our spiralling population growth. I think that it is more than that: it is also our values...

Many species are leaving our planet, including the tigers, mountain gorillas, great whites, dolphins.
Anyhow, that is a separate metaphysical debate...

Amelia Kinkade, one of the foremost animal communicators, is in SA at the moment. She specializes in lions, tigers and animals in rescue reserves. She has been working with the JHB zoo this week and is off to Zambia in May. I am sure that she will be able to help you speak to Corbett and find out what he needs. You can contact her at info@ameliakinkade.com or at the Village Green B&B in Parkview, where she is staying.

Best best wishes
I am so glad that you are giving Corbett a second chance. Maybe he is just expressing the rage that all tigers feel toward humans for their plight.


Tiger Canyons said...

Dear JV,
I am hugely impressed by your tremendous courage from your hospital bed as you recover from shock, injury and a huge ordeal.

I am equally impressed how you've weighed up such a huge decision about Corbett by listening to thousands of very different opinions and listening to your own thoughts too. For what it's worth some while ago I read a book by a South African farm owner who took on a herd of 'impossible' and indeed 'aggressive' elephants.
Over time these elephants, with the memory of some of their herd having been slaughtered by man, learnt to trust him.

However one male elephant remained very aggressive and dangerous. When he was finally put down, it was found that he had a massive tooth abscess which undoubtedly was causing him terrible amounts of pain resulting in aggression. Sadly I dont have the name of the book or author with me, but you may well know which one I'm referring to.

I mention this only in terms of Corbett, because there is just a possibility that he has some pain somewhere, which is not visible and which would also cause aggression.

My very best wishes to you for your recovery,
Kind regards,

Julika Kennaway

A. Lane Batot said...

Awright! Not that this issue won't rear it's beautiful head again in the future, but euthanasia should indeed be the LAST resort, ethically, I think. Like many zoos(the one I work in included), you may just have to accept some animals must be managed in a "non-contact" manner--that doesn't mean Corbett can't have a great life, or you(and the rest of us through you) learn much from him and enjoy him for what he is--even if he WOULD like to maul you! But of course if you keep reproducing, you are eventually going to run out of room and money--so what to do with the cubs of the future? Do you have any ideas/solutions for that yet? And all the best in your recovery, of course!